# Guide

By guidance, you will know about the feature and usage of this lib.

# Feature

  • Global loading
  • Demand loading
  • Locale
  • Website

# Install

  • npm
npm install @gypsophlia/create-ui -S
  • yarn
yarn add @gypsophlia/create-ui -S

# Usage

# Global import

import CreateUI from "@gypsophlia/create-ui";
import "@gypsophlia/create-ui/lib/theme/index.css";

# Demand import

import { Chatbox } from "@gypsophlia/create-ui";

# Configure

Demand import needs to install one of the following plugins to configure the path.

  • babel-plugin-component
npm install babel-plugin-component -D

Babel Config

plugins: [
      "libraryName": "@gypsophlia/create-ui",
      "styleLibrary": {
        "name": "theme",
        "base": false
  • babel-plugin-import
npm install babel-plugin-import -D

Babel Config

plugins: [
      "libraryName": "@gypsophlia/create-ui",
      "styleLibraryDirectory": "lib/theme"


Put the following codes into configureWebpack in webpack.config.js or vue.config.js

Webpack Config,in order to support .css suffix.

resolve: {
  extensions: [".css"];